Implementation Committee
The Anderson Township Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee was formed in late 2023, starting work in 2024. The Committee was founded with members of the former Transportation Advisory Committee, WeTHRIVE! Anderson and the Economic Development Committee.
The Committee’s focus is to take the adopted Comprehensive Plan Update and work through the initiatives of the plan. Throughout the eight chapters there are over 50 initiatives identified as objectives for the Township as a whole. The committee over the course of 2024 has identified four initiatives that they are beginning to work on with broad topics including recycling, mobility, walkway and green corridor connections, and workforce development.
The committee is scheduled to meet four times a year, with the potential that the subgroups will have “homework”/ “individual work” and meet in-between meetings to continue their work. Agendas and previous meeting summaries will be posted here.
Members of the committee include the following:
Viki Beck
Katie Buchmann Matt Chaffin
Kevin Comerford Michael Doenges
Duane Donohoo Steve Feagins
Peg Fenner Brian Gay
Andrea Granieri Lindsey Griffis
John Halpin Joe Hice
Nicole Hunter Phillip Kiley
Jay Lewis Elizabeth Maier
Anne Miller Dan O'Rourke
Zach Peterson Jeff Rosa
Karen Schwamberger Paul Sheckels
Paul Sian Karl Sieber
Cynthis Sieber Susan Wheatley
Jim Willis
Staff Contacts: Steve Sievers (513) 688-8400 Ext. 1178, email: and
Sarah Donovan (513) 688-8400 Ext 1181, email: