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Programs, Events and Trips

The Anderson Township Senior Center offers a wide variety of educational and recreational programs for our members. Knowing that physical and mental health improve as seniors are engaged and learning, we strive to plan activities that will appeal to many interests and skill levels.

Senior Center Exercise Videos

Weekly Activities  We have a variety of activities that are regularly scheduled each week at the Senior Center, including exercise, painting, woodworking, self-defense, and quilting.  See the schedule below for a current list:

  Weekly Activities Schedule


Special Programs and Events  Each member receives a bi-monthly newsletter in the mail, listing all the programs, events, and trips for the next two months.  These programs include educational speakers, lunch outings, musical performances, and trips to Cincinnati area places of interest, for example, Reds games, the art museum and more. Members are asked to register for these events in advance.  

A copy of the current newsletter can be found at this link:
