The Anderson Township Senior Center uses a variety of technology tools and social media platforms to communicate with members and to increase participation in the many activities at the center.
The senior center was fortunate to receive a grant from the Ayer Family Trust. A portion of the proceeds was used for the audio-visual system at the center. New projectors and speakers, along with a camera and microphones for in-person and Zoom presentations were purchased. New microphones and screens have enhanced the experiences of all attendees.
Programs on Zoom
Members who are not able or do not feel comfortable attending activities at the Anderson Township Senior Center can participate on Zoom. Members can click on a link
sent out in each Friday's email and easily join in from home. Exercise classes are offered four times per week in person and virtually. Our many educational speakers and other programs are also offered over Zoon.
If members are not familiar with using Zoom, these videos that may help. Member can also call the center and assistance will be provided.
Weekly Email
An email is sent to each member who has shared an email address on their membership form. The email is usually sent out on Fridays and lists all activities for the upcoming week, as well as additional information pertinent to seniors. Links to Zoom presentations are also included in this email for easy access.
Juniors Helping Seniors
Local high school students come to the senior center to offer one-on-one assistance to our members during the school year.
These popular sessions are scheduled from 3:30-5:00 p.m., after the students are dismissed from school. Members can get assistance with cell phones, tablets, and laptops. The high school students are knowledgeable, patient, and willing to help answer any questions.
Our Facebook page, "Friends of the Anderson Senior Center," is open to any member, relative and Anderson Township resident. Frequent Facebook posts share reminders of upcoming events and many photos of our day to day and special activities.