Church Watch

In America, there are over 250,000 houses of worship that provide a safe worshipping environment. Some provide daycare preschools, educational services and are often a place of refuge in times of disaster or crisis.
Anderson Township is no exception and currently has twenty-three physical church properties.
Due to current nationwide concerns and the now unfortunate victimization of churches, a collaboration with congregational teams with local government and community partners was established modeling our other watch initiatives.
Through this development we can assist an important part of our community to plan for potential emergencies and create a balance between security and worship.
- Ambassadors' Pointe Community Church East
- Anderson Hills United Methodist Church
- Anderson Hills Christian Church
- Calvary Alliance Church
- Cherry Grove United Methodist Church
- Clough United Methodist Church
- Comboni Missionaries
- Faith United Church of Christ
- First Baptist Church of Anderson Hills
- First Church of Christ Scientist
- Forestville Baptist Church
- Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church
- Horizon Community Church
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
- Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
- Open Door Baptist Church
- Parkside Christian Church
- Salem Community Church
- Zion Lutheran Church
For more information, contact Deputy Brian D. Hayes (Crime Prevention Officer) at or (513) 688-8400, Ext. 1191.