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Tree Committee


Mission Statement

The Anderson Township Tree Committee promotes and manages healthy, safe, and effective trees along streets and on public grounds to enhance the quality of life in the Township.

A vibrant tree planting program complements the Township's Greenspace efforts, enhances the environment by promoting clean air and water, increases property values, reduces erosion and stormwater runoff, provides wildlife habitat, moderates temperature, lessens energy demands, and beautifies the community.

The Committee considers, investigates, makes findings, and reports and recommends upon any special matter or question regarding the Township's tree planting program.

Click Here to review the Resolution - Establishing a Comprehensive Public Tree Maintenance Program For Anderson Township


Bruce Berno John Halpin

Carol King Timothy Kloppenborg

Jim Rompke Ron Trenkamp

Rick Voss Joe Willging

Chris Pfetzer

Lexi Lausten, Trustee Liaison               Suzanne Clingman, Greenspace Inspector

Staff Contact: Paul Drury (513) 688-8400 Ext. 1176   email: