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Business Watch


  • Business neighbors getting to know each other and sharing knowledge of common interest.
  • Implementing crime prevention techniques and strategies in business districts.
  • Problem solving through a partnership between business owners/management and law enforcement.
  • Outreaching to other public and private agencies that can assist in problem solving.

Goals and Benefits

  • Improved communications.
  • Greater freedom and security for employees and community.
  • Revived sense of civic responsibility as a natural and expected member of the community.
  • Healthier and interdependent business communities.
  • Crime prevention training and programs for businesses.
  • Positive working relationship with law enforcement.
  • Establishing an open line of communication with law enforcement.
  • Receiving crime information, bulletins and updates from law enforcement.

Crime Prevention Programs

  • Business Watch Program
  • Business Security Surveys
  • Breaking & Entering Prevention
  • Parking Lot Security
  • Business Alarms
  • Preventing False Alarms
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • Internal Theft Precautions
  • Shoplifting Prevention
  • Vandalism Prevention
  • Robbery Prevention
  • Bad Check Fraud
  • Counterfeit Currency
  • Credit Card Fraud

Anderson Township Business Watch Districts

  • Beechmont Corridor
  • Northern Anderson
  • Anderson Towne Center
  • Clough & Eight Mile
  • Clough Historical
  • Five Mile Center
  • Salem Road
  • Skytop Pavilion
  • Kellogg Avenue
  • Five Mile Professional 

View the Business Crime Prevention brochure

For more information, contact Deputy Brian D. Hayes (Crime Prevention Officer) at or (513) 688-8400, Ext. 1191.