Volunteer With Us
Are you interested in volunteering? If you have a few hours to spare, please consider the volunteer opportunities available at the Anderson Township Senior Center. If interested, please contact Claire O’Connell at 513.474.3100 or email her at coconnell@andersontownshipoh.gov. You can also fill out the volunteer application and drop it off in person or mail it to:
Anderson Township Senior Center
7970 Beechmont Avenue
Anderson Township, Ohio 45255
Click Here for Volunteer Application

Collating and Assembling Mailings Volunteers help collate various mailings at the center including newsletters, invitations, and other publications.
Party Helpers
The Senior Center has multiple lunchtime parties throughout the year. We rely on volunteers to help serve meals and desserts, assist members with carrying trays and getting drinks, help with games and activities and begin to clean up after the party.
Class Instructors Do you have a special talent or interest to share with others? Examples include arts and crafts, travel, speaking a foreign language, playing a specific board or card game, technology support, or creative writing. We want our members to participate in a variety of activities and are always open to new ideas.
Community Project Coordinator
Our members participate in a variety of activities that benefit the community, such as collections for the homeless, a Wish Tree project at the holidays, and food, clothing, and school supply drives. If you would like to take the lead on one of these projects, please contact us.
Phone Tree
Not all our members use email regularly. We often make phone calls if we need to share information about a specific trip or activity. The calls could be made from the Senior Center or your home.