Anderson Township Recycling Center
As physical changes and upgrades to Anderson Township’s 24/7 Recycling Center off Beechmont Avenue were recently completed, it is important to remind our reisdents that the site does not accept plastic bags as part of its recycling services.
This change occurred last fall after the township was informed that some programs operated by Abitibi would no longer be serving the township’s recycling needs. With the change of ownership from Abitibi to EWJ International Inc., the township returned to Rumpke Recycling services, which does not take plastic bags.
Anderson Township will continue to investigate options for plastic bag recycling. In the meantime, several local businesses, including all Kroger locations, accept and recycle such bags.
All other services available through the recycling center, including single stream recycling of paper, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, cans, glass, some plastics, aerosol cans and more, still exist. This successful recycling center is one of the busiest in the county as more than 75 dumpster loads a week are removed from this site. Last fall, the center was enhanced as the recycling bins were moved, fencing added, the area received a fresh coat of asphalt, and new lighting was installed.
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