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Giving Back-Anderson Style - Township Volunteer Committees

Volunteer spirit directed toward community engagement through township Committees. 

Anderson's volunteer spirit is evident among many active organizations dotting the community. Most township-related activities, such as the Anderson Farmers' Market, the Independence Day Parade and the Jack-O-Lantern Walk, are organized and staffed by township volunteers. Committees dealing with local transportation issues, zoning questions, economic development and street tree issues also are driven by volunteer efforts, which make an important difference in the township's quality of life.

Each fall, available positions on the township's seven committees are advertised for interested applicants. The Board of Township Trustees is accepting expressions of interest from residents who would like to be considered for any open positions. 

Ongoing volunteer opportunities include the following five standing committees:

Standing Committees- a township standing committee is a group of members appointed for a specific purpose-one year term

  • Betterment and Beautification Committee-works to improve the visual appearance of the township through the development and maintenance of township-owned landscaped areas, gateways, and major roadways
  • Economic Development Committee-reviews the township's economic development strategy and makes recommendations to trustees on policy or project decisions regarding the township's business environment
  • Street Tree Committee-promotes and manages healthy, safe, and appropriate trees along streets and on public grounds or roadways and makes recommendations to the township's tree planting program Greater Anderson Township Betterment Committee-non-profit organization working behind the scenes to facilitate community-wide improvements and projects
  • Transportation Advisory Committee-provides recommendations on transportation matters and projects to trustees and assists with implementation of the Anderson Trails plan

Two statutory committees operate according to Ohio law, with a five-year term, and one year alternates:

  • Zoning Commission-hears cases that involve modifying the Anderson Township Zoning Map or the Anderson Township Zoning Resolution
  • Board of Zoning Appeals-reviews appeals to the township's Zoning Resolution, as well as other development related applications

Other event-volunteer opportunities exist, involving just a few hours or a commitment for a season. These events staffed by volunteers include the Great American Cleanup, Make a Difference Day, the Anderson Farmers' Market, Anderson's Independence Day Parade, the Jack-O-Lantern Walk, and the Holiday Tree Lighting.

To be considered for a committee appointment, or if you or your organization wants to be involved in a community event, send a letter of interest to "Committees," Anderson Township, Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road, Anderson Township, OH 45230. Via email, send a response to Steve Sievers at

Your letter should identify your committee of interest and provide a brief overview of your experience which would make you a valuable member of the committee. Send letters by 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3.