ODOT has scheduled an Open House for March 9 to share technical studies and public feedback results for the area between the Red Bank corridor and the I-275/SR 32 interchange;information gained will be used to plan future transportation improvements
Thursday, March 9, 2017
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Miami Valley Christian Academy
6830 School Street, Newtown, OH 45244
During the Public Open House, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) will share updated traffic volume, travel time, congestion and crash data for the portion of the Eastern Corridor that extends between the Red Bank corridor and the I-275/SR 32 interchange near Eastgate (also known as Eastern Corridor Segments II and III). ODOT will also share feedback received from the public through an interactive, online survey and a series of Focus Area Workshops that took place last spring.
Those interested in attending can come any time between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.; no formal presentation will be held. ODOT project team members will be available to answer questions and discuss material that will be presented on information boards.



Click the image above to view a larger version of the study area map.
Over the course of the past year, ODOT held six Focus Area Workshops to gather public feedback on priorities, problem areas and improvements needed throughout the Eastern Corridor Segments II and III study area. The project team also launched a comprehensive online data collection process that allowed community members to share their thoughts by computer and mobile device. Nearly 1,200 individuals participated. In addition, ODOT conducted multiple technical studies to help inform current travel analyses and predict future needs. The information gathered has helped identify needs which will be used to establish priorities moving forward.
The purpose of the March 9 Public Open House is to confirm with the public that their concerns have been captured and for ODOT and community members to collectively review both public feedback and technical data in an open, collaborative setting.
Following the Open House and subsequent 30-day public comment period, ODOT will begin working with local community representatives and planners to develop priority-driven solutions to the transportation needs identified, focusing on the existing transportation network. Recommendations will be shared for public review and input soon after. At that time, planners will begin the process of seeking planning and construction funding for approved improvements.
Open House materials will be posted on the Eastern Corridor website on March 9, 2017.
Public comments can be submitted at the Open House; sent via email to EasternCorridor@EasternCorridor.org; submitted through the Submit Feedback tool on the Eastern Corridor website; or sent to Tom Arnold, ODOT District 8, 505 S. State Route 741, Lebanon, OH 45036. The public comment period closes at midnight on Sunday, April 9, 2017.
The Public Open House is ADA accessible. Individuals needing interpretation or special assistance services should contact Andy Fluegemann, ODOT, at Andy.Fluegemann@dot.ohio.gov or (513) 933-6597 by February 27, 2017.
For more information, visit the Red Bank to I-275/SR 32 Interchange (Segments II and III) project pages of the Eastern Corridor website.