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October 25 Open House Focus is on The Beechmont Plan

Township to consolidate several plans under one guiding document 

A consolidated guide for development along Beechmont Avenue called The Beechmont Plan is being prepared by Anderson Township this fall. Residents, business owners and stakeholders are invited to view the preliminary plan during an open house set for 4:30 -6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road. 

Incorporated into the new plan will be the Beechmont Corridor Vision Plan, the Beechmont Landscape Plan, and Design Guidelines. The new plan is being produced by Anderson Township, KZF Design and the Ohio Department of Transportation. Comments from the public are sought during this open house. To view the document see attached.

Goals for the Beechmont Plan include improved safety and reduced congestion along Beechmont, development of cross access, an improved sense of place and public policy changes. For details contact Anderson’s Planning and Zoning Department at 688-8400 or Sarah Donovan at


Attached Files