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New Anderson Photographic History Book Available First Week of February

What did Anderson Township look like 100 years ago?

If that question whets your curiosity, a pictorial history of those bygone days of Anderson will be available in book form the first week of February.

The book “Anderson Township,” by the Anderson Township Historical Society, became available to the public this month. This Arcadia Publishing book is part of the history-based “Images of America” series, with photos and text selected from the extensive collections of the society by longtime Anderson resident Janet Heywood, the society research chair. The book was released as the society commemorates its 50th anniversary this year and the township celebrates its 225th anniversary.

“Anderson Township” touches on local families, historic places, farms, businesses, daily life and more through about the 1930s. Framed as a primarily a pictorial book, it is not a chronological history but details moments and themes throughout the years.

 How to Order or Buy a Book

Copies are available for $21.99 on the Arcadia website:

The Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce sells copies of the book for $20 during regular business hours. They are located inside Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road. Hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.

The Anderson Township Historical Society sells the books for $20 at the Anderson Township History Room, which is open three times a week in Anderson Center. Cash or check only. Hours are Sunday and Wednesday 1 to 4 p.m.

Local retail stores will have the option of purchasing books for resale, but that list has not been released by Arcadia yet.

Organizations wishing to sell copies of the book to members or in bulk can contact Leigh Scott at Arcadia at (843) 853-2070 x 207 or