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Provide Your Input on Anderson Trails Plan Update

The volunteer member Anderson Township Transportation Advisory Committee, working with Township staff, has developed a draft of the 2018 Update of the Anderson Township Trails & Walkways Plan! This plan is updated every five years. It identifies key connections throughout the Anderson Township Trails Network, and also identifies funding mechanisms necessary for those projects. 

View a final draft of the plan below and public comment is invited. The adoption process for the 2018 Update of the plan will be initiated at the April 5th Anderson Township Trustees meeting. 

This Plan will be focusing on projects for 2020 and beyond, nearly a mile of new sidewalk is currently being engineered for construction on portions of Beechmont, Markley and Paddison over the next several years.  These were high priority projects in the 2013 Plan Update. 

Contact Tom Caruso at, or 688-8400 with questions or comments on the Draft Plan.   

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