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Anderson Township Roadway Pavement Sealing Begins

One of the signs of summer entails roadway construction, and this is certainly the case each year in Anderson Township. For the township's more than 120 miles of roadways, a variety of roadway preservation treatments are used, in addition to traditional paving practices.

Beginning July 18, weather permitting, such work will occur on various Township roadways.  Streets on which these applications will be applied (and type) are as follows:

Hunters Knoll Lane - Onyx

Round Tree Ct - Onyx

Smokey Woods Lane - Onyx

Wetheridge  - Onyx

Chesterton Way - Micro Surfacing

Stonington Road - Micro Surfacing

Keswick Place  - Micro Surfacing

Fenchurch Ct - Micro Surfacing

High Meadows Drive - Micro Surfacing

Burhaven Lane - Micro Surfacing

Kingscove Way - Micro Surfacing

Jeannie Avenue - Micro Surfacing

Additional information on this process may be found at  The application of an Onyx entails a two-step process, and weather permitting, that second step, along with Mico Surfacing is planned for July 23-26.

Parking will be restricted in these areas on days in which the sealer is applied, but access is available to private driveways along these routes (except during a very short application period). Notice will be made to residents along these roadways, both through the use of door hangars and temporary "No Parking" signs along the roadway in advance of the work.

We thank residents, motorists, and Trail users for their understanding and assistance as we use this preventative maintenance approach to lengthen the life of the pavement, and maximize the use of taxes allocated each year to pavement maintenance.