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Let’s Walk Together-Visit the 225th Heritage Tree Grove

Anderson Township has a reputation for being a beautiful community, and local leadership has contributed proactively to keeping this reputation alive. Township leaders are continuously designating and protecting open space, while ensuring development is in concert with nature, and working to create beautiful areas all over the community: green spaces, walking trails, and planted groves of trees. 

For the past 10 years, the township has been awarded the Tree City USA designation, recognizing the efforts of the volunteer-driven Anderson Township Tree Committee. As part of the committee’s work, the special 225th Heritage Tree Grove along the Five Mile Trail and Five Mile Road was planted last year. The grove is designed to reflect the native species of trees that would have historically populated the Anderson area. 

Although a visitor could start at any point, parking is conveniently available at the Mercy Healthplex and visitors can start at the beginning of the grove by crossing the road at the intersection of State Road Five Mile Road.  Just before Clough is visible a tender grove of trees protected by landscape cages and natural flora growth. Enjoy native butterflies, moths, caterpillars that inhabit these trees. Listen to the songbirds that enjoy these tasty bug treats. 

Visitors to the Heritage Tree Grove can enjoy an educational experience and identify the different native trees that would have been here 225 years ago. The Heritage Tree Grove is also a good example of a native, sustainable tree grove that can be installed in your own yard on a small scale. On a larger scale, it can be emulated by local businesses and area developments to create sustainable, native landscaping. 

“Over the years, our community has become more walkable; it is wonderful to see our volunteer committees and staff create places for our residents to enjoy as they walk,” said Trustee Vice President Dee Stone. 

Questions about the 225th Heritage Tree Grove, Anderson Township Tree Committee, and more should be directed to Paul Drury at 688-8400, ext. 1176 or