Township and County Seek Engineering Qualifications for Study of Clough Corridor
Clough Pike is a critical transportation component not only in Anderson Township but for Greater Cincinnati’s east side. From its early days as a private turnpike, to Clough’s role for the past century as a county-owned/maintained roadway, it’s been a key factor in the growth and development of the area.
Development activity, particularly during the 1970s and 1980s, added new opportunities, but also brought about issues and concerns. Public and private improvements have enhanced safety, traffic flow and non-vehicular transportation options. However, unlike the heavily studied Beechmont Avenue to the south, and the SR 32/Eastern Corridor to the north, there has not been a comprehensive assessment of the nearly six-mile section of Clough in Anderson Township.
In an effort to obtain further feedback on current concerns and opportunities, Anderson Township and the Hamilton County Engineer’s Office prepared a questionnaire and distributed it to area residents, businesses and motorist who travel the roadway. Nearly 800 responses were received offering a wide range of concerns and suggestions for the corridor. A summary of these results may be found by clicking HERE.
In response to this, the Township, working with Hamilton County and other entities, is requesting qualifications from interested engineering firms to conduct preliminary engineering and design studies to further identify improvement opportunities. A request for qualifications (RFQ), outlines the anticipated scope of services, may be found by clicking the file below. It is also possible that this preliminary engineering will later be used for the preparation of grant applications.
Due to our desire to commence work in the timeliest manner, please note that proposals must be received by the Township by Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. Please feel free to contact Steve Sievers or PJ Ginty at (513) 688-8400 or or, with any questions or comments.
We thank you for your interest in Anderson Township.
Attached Files