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Anderson Residents to Vote on Energy Aggregation November 8

With a goal to reduce costs by buying energy as a group, Anderson Township residents will have the opportunity November 8 to vote on whether to support a township-wide electric aggregation program. 

A “yes” vote means Anderson Township will have permission to form an aggregated buying group on behalf of its citizens and small businesses. Negotiations would allow a bulk price on electricity for those township residents who choose to be in the program.  


If the measure passes, individual consumers would need to opt-out of the township-negotiated price and continue with their own chosen supplier if they did not wish to participate. 

If approved by voters, residents would not see a change in their electric services. Duke Energy would still deliver service and bill residents for energy provided. Energy Alliances, Inc., would provide consulting services for the aggregation negotiations. 

“This is a completely voluntary program,” noted Trustee Dee Stone  with Energy Alliances. “There is no fee to cancel and no fee to enroll. The goal is to save residents money on something they use every day.” 

Noted Township Trustee Josh Gerth, “Anything that has the potential to save our residents money, especially something they can vote on, or opt out of, is worth looking into. If there is no savings, it will be a non-starter.” 

Should the measure pass, residents who wish to continue with their own electric service provider can opt-out by calling a toll-free number. For questions about the program, contact Energy Alliances at 1-800-735-0359 or visit

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