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Anderson voters support electric aggregation issue

Anderson Township voters indicated they were in favor of moving forward on an electricity aggregation issue which was on the November 8 ballot.

The go-ahead from voters means Anderson Township has permission to form an aggregated buying group on behalf of its citizens and small businesses. The goal of the program would be to save money for township residents.

Township residents who choose to be in the program would receive a bulk price on electricity in a deal that is negotiated by a broker.

Now that the voters have given their approval, Anderson will continue to explore electricity aggregation and will need to undertake a few steps before the program could start. The township must now select a broker, host public meetings and obtain bids. These actions will be undertaken next year.

 If the program continues to move forward, residents would have the option to not participate in the program and continue with their own electricity provider. 

For more information, go to the September/October issue of Anderson Insights.