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Census 101: Why It Matters, How Our Community Benefits

Every American is counted once a decade, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. During the census, both the population and households are counted, providing the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting and distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds.

While the official 2020 Census Day is April 1, almost all households will receive their nine-question census invitation in the mail in mid-March. This year, responding to the census will be easier than ever with an online option, as well as a mail and phone option. This is the first time Americans can respond to the census online.

Why is responding to the census request important? For one, the distribution of $675 billion in federal funds, grants and financial support to states, counties and communities is based on census data, according to Steve Sievers, assistant administrator of operations. In Anderson, this support has assisted with funds for housing, education, transportation, employment, public policy and health care. Since 2010, the township has received more than $15.3 million in grants and funds for projects.

For more information visit these links:

What is the Census                                    

Importance of Answering                            

How to Respond Online                              

American Community Survey Information          

How will data be used

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