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Township Trustees Consider Text Amendments to the Anderson Township Zoning Resolution on April 16

Due to a number of cases from the past few years, as well as changes in state legislation, the proposed text amendments are necessary to ensure that the Zoning Resolution is held to a current standard. The proposed text amendments include murals, medical marijuana definitions, planned unit development (PUD) standards, massage therapy definition, and conditional use standards for short-term rentals. The proposed text amendments were initiated by the Trustees in November 2019 and heard by the Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission in January and the Anderson Township Zoning Commission in January and February; this is the final public hearing in the adoption process. 

For more information, please click on the file below.

A public hearing will be held by the Anderson Township Board of Trustees on Thursday, April 16, 2020 telephonically at 5:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to hear Case 1-2020 Anderson, for text amendments to the Anderson Township Zoning Resolution, filed by Anderson Township Planning and Zoning staff.



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