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School Caravans Organized for Elementary Students and Families for May 11th

A bright yellow school bus leads the way on Monday night, May 11th, when the six Forest Hills elementary schools host “caravans” throughout each school neighborhood. To celebrate the end of the school year, teachers and staff members from each school will be driving through neighborhoods, following the bus. Children and families are invited to watch along the caravan route to see their teacher or principal. 

Parades leave each school at 7 p.m., followed by participating decorated cars. School principals and administrations can be identified by green and white balloons on their car and they will signify the end of the parade. Vehicles in the parade will be observing all traffic laws. Spectators are asked to stay away from roadway areas and practice social distancing from one another. 

Please note, traffic may be congested for a few minutes along the way as the parade travels through neighborhoods. Motorists are urged to watch for spectators when traveling these routes.   

To learn more about the caravan routes for each of the six Forest Hills elementary schools, visit or