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In the Midst of National Challenges, 2020 Census Marches On

Have you done your part yet? If you have not submitted your 2020 Census response yet, your participation is still needed, even as Ohio continues its reopening.

In fact, folks working on the 2020 Census continue to urge everyone to do their part by taking just 10 minutes to complete the 2020 Census form. Your responses are important in determining the allocation of billions of dollars in our communities which could be funneled into emergency response, school lunch programs, highway construction and community mental health services.

As of May 26th, Anderson Township residents have posted a participation rate of 80.9%, which is among the highest in Cincinnati. By comparison, rates for other areas are as follows:


Anderson Township: 82.4%

State of Ohio: 66.8%

Hamilton County: 63.9%

Union Township: 72.6%

Congressional District 2: 67.3%


Due to the COVID-19 crisis, there have been a few changes in the operational response of the 2020 Census.

The last day to respond has been changed from July 31 to October 31. The bureau also has changed delayed its door to door non-response operation which will now start on August 11.

It’s easy to respond. Go online, fill out a hard copy or make a phone call. For details, go to: