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Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission Meeting For Zone Change on 7887 Beechmont Ave.

Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held by Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission virtually on Thursday, April 1, 2021 via zoom at 1:00pmThe meeting can be reached through the following link:   Meeting ID: 868 3147 2745 Password: 974340, or by phone: +1646-558-8656 

The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss a Zone Change request in Case 1-2021 Anderson, for the property located at 7867, 7877, and 7887 Beechmont Avenue (Book 500, Page 203, Parcels 124, 125, and 126), in Anderson Township, zoned “E” Retail and “OO” Planned Office District to “EE” Planned Business District, proposed by Douglas Compton, of DJC Partners, LLC, on behalf of DJC Partners, LLC, 7877 Beechmont Avenue, LLC, and Anderson Township Board of Trustees, property owner. The applicant is proposing demolition of 7867 Beechmont, and renovation of 7877 Beechmont into a restaurant with indoor and patio seating.     

The application concept plan is attached, and plans will be available for review at  or Please contact Hamilton County Planning & Development, Bryan Snyder at 513-946-4664 or; or the Anderson Township Planning and Zoning Department at 513-688-8400 Ext. 1176 or for additional information.

Attached Files