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Anderson Township’s Comprehensive Plan Update is ready for your review!

In January 2021, Anderson Township contracted with the consulting firms planning NEXT and McBride Dale Clarion. By updating the Comprehensive Plan every 5 years, Anderson Township seeks to ensure that key policy and planning decisions are consistent with the Township’s long-range vision. 

This process was guided by a forty-member steering committee that consists of residents, business owners, and community partners. The committee met five times throughout the process with Staff and the Planning Team to help provide input and direction on the plan’s development. 

A series of public engagement meetings and surveys were conducted throughout the process including “Let’s Get Connected”, a virtual open house and online survey completed in April, “Let’s Get Together”, an in person open house and online survey held at Anderson Center in August, and a meeting in November to discuss the Future Land Use Map component of the plan. In all over 1,500 residents, students, business owners, and stakeholders participated in the planning process. 

As part of this update, we also revisited the Township’s Future Land Use Map, which is a depiction of potential future land uses. With this update, Township staff has recommended changing the future land use category of several properties in the Township.

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