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UPDATE - MEETING MOVED TO FEB. 10 - Ham. Cty. Regional Planning Commission

Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held by Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission on Thursday, February 10, 2022 in the Hamilton County Administration Building, 138 East Court Street, 8th Floor, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 at 1:00pm.  The purpose of this meeting will be to hear a Land Use Plan for Case 2-2021 LUP for the Public Art Master Plan and Appendix, filed by the Anderson Township Board of Township Trustees, and to discuss a Zone Change request in Case 1-2022 Anderson, for the property located at 1949 Wolfangel Road (Book 500, Page 214, Parcels 26 and 10), from “OO” Planned Office District to “C-CUP” Single-family Residence Community Unit Plan, proposed by Doug Smith, of McGill Smith Punshon for Beaver Creek Interests, LLC, for Our Lady of Mercy Hospital of Mariemont, property owner. The purpose of this zone change is for a 35-lot single-family subdivision, with 1 open space parcel (8.9 acres / approx. 51.7% open space). 

Information for both cases can be found at:  

Case 1-2022 Anderson (Wolfangel Road) - Zone Change Application

