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A Primer on Snow Removal in Anderson Township

Anderson Township’s priority during a snow event is to clear the streets and make them safe as quickly as possible. While we appreciate some residents’ needs to use on-street parking, we ask residents to monitor the weather forecasts throughout the winter months and not park on the street when there is accumulating snow in the forecast.  

When measurable snow is predicted, please remove your parked car from the street as soon as possible. Cars parked on the street present a significant problem for plow/salt truck drivers for several reasons. It takes longer to plow a street when the trucks must negotiate around parked vehicles. To help us, keep your car in your driveway until the snow removal operation has been finished.  

Parked cars also make it impossible to remove all snow from the street. Parked cars also create dangerous and icy conditions on the pavement later in the day.  Finally, cars parked on the street are susceptible to damage from salt thrown from the trucks. The township accepts no responsibility or liability for this kind of damage.  

Please note that different snow storms present different challenges to the road crews. Some snow storms are easier to handle than others, depending on temperature, wind, duration of the storm and other weather conditions.  

Anderson has 10 plows/salt trucks/routes, and 10 Public Works employees, to cover 123 lane miles of township roadways. Please note that Hamilton County maintains 73 miles of through roadways in the township, such as Clough, Salem, Eight Mile, etc. Also, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is responsible for state or U.S. highways in our community, such as Ohio 32 (Batavia Road), Ohio 125 (Beechmont Avenue), US 52 and Interstate 275, comprising 19.8 miles.  See the files below for more information and details of these roadways.

Most of the time, the combination of township/county/state resources is more than sufficient to effectively remove most snowfalls. Again, these agencies take great pride in getting the roads cleared as quickly as possible, meeting your desire to receive good service. 

Driveways are one of those reoccurring problems for which there is no reasonable solution. During a moderate to heavy snowfall, the plows will push snow in front of driveways creating a large “ridge” of the white stuff.  

Unfortunately, there is no feasible way the township can keep the driveways unblocked. In the terminus of cul-de-sac streets, crews will do everything possible to keep as much snow from the driveways by backing into the drives and pushing the snow out toward the center of the street.  

Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep roadways in our community safe for travel during all weather conditions!

Attached Files