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Pre-Submittal Hearing Virtual Open House for 1357 Nagel Road

Notice is hereby given that a virtual open house will be held on  The purpose of this is to receive comments for a potential Zone Change application to alter the zoning of the property located at 1357 Nagel (Book 500, Page 121, Parcel 184), in Anderson Township, from “B” Residence District to “DD” Planned Multi-Family Residence District, proposed by Craig Abercrombie of Abercrombie and Associates, on behalf of Zicka Development Company LLC, applicant, and Anderson Township Board of Trustees, property owner.  The applicant is proposing the construction of 13 living units (10 duplex, 3 detached) on 2.984 Acres. 

The submitted materials from the applicant will be posted on under the news section from Friday, October 16, 2020 until Monday, November 2, 2020.  During this time period, staff will be accepting comments in regards to the development via email or phone call, which will then be used should the applicant submit a formal zone change application.  

The application letter and concept plan are attached and are available for review at Please contact the Anderson Township Planning and Zoning Department at 513-688-8400 Ext 1181 or for additional information or to submit your comments.

Attached Files