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Comments Sought on Block Grant Application

Notice is hereby given that Anderson Township is preparing to submit an application to Hamilton County for Community Development Block Grant Funding for the next three-year budget cycle, 2021-2023. Due to COVID-19 related precautions, the proposal is available online. Comments are sought through November 30, 2020.  

The $210,000 proposed project entails a request to replace substandard handicapped ramps and deteriorated sidewalk blocks at various locations throughout the township. Work would be undertaken in 2022.

More information, including a brief presentation, may be found below.   While a five (5) day comment period is required, Anderson Township is providing ten (10) days for such comment, beginning Friday, November 20, 2020, through 4:00pm EST, on Monday, November 30, 2020.   In order to accurately document and respond to inquiries, public comments and questions must be submitted via email to, or to Steve Sievers, 7850 Five Mile Road, Anderson Township, Ohio 4520. Efforts will be made to respond to comments, if possible.  

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