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Learn Safety Tips During Severe Weather Awareness Week: March 20-26

Welcome to Ohio, where it is best to be prepared for all weather hazards almost all year round. 

Emergency preparedness for the changes in Ohio’s weather are the focus of a week in March, called Severe Weather Awareness Week. This year’s week is March 20-26 and is a good time to learn about preparedness and get ready. 

On Wednesday, March 23, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency and the National Weather Service will conduct a statewide severe weather tornado drill. The drill is scheduled for 9:50 a.m. 

Some suggestions for getting prepared include practicing tornado and fire drills and making emergency supply kits for your home or for your car, in case you need to evacuate. 

The Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency can provide many ideas to increase your safety during a weather emergency. For details, visit
