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Smoke Alarms: Don’t Overlook Their Importance

Don’t overlook some of your home’s simple, but important safety devices: Smoke alarms.

The smoke alarms in your home can become part of the visual landscape each day but are probably some of the most important safety devices you own. Do you ever check whether your smoke alarms are in working order, and whether you have enough in your home to do the job correctly?

October 9-15 is National Fire Prevention Week. This year’s theme is: Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.

According to National Fire Prevention Agency statistics, half of all U.S. home fire deaths occur between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., a time when most are sleeping. With a working smoke alarm in your bedroom, the risk of dying in a fire is cut in half.


Here’s another factor that affects home fires. Current fire research has demonstrated that today’s fabrics used in furnishings have changed the home fire landscape. Fires today can spread much more rapidly than in the past when more natural materials were used.

Having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a reported fire in half, according to the National Fire Prevention Institute. Three of every five home fire deaths was the result of a fire in a home with no smoke alarms or with no working smoke alarms. And one more statistic: When it comes to home fire deaths, no smoke alarms were present in 37 percent of fatal blazes.

Keeping your smoke alarms in working order is the second part of the smoke alarm safety equation. Here are suggested maintenance tips from the National Fire Prevention Association:

·        Test your smoke alarms every month

·        When a smoke alarm sounds, go outside and stay outside

·        Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years

For more information and resources about choosing the right fire alarms for different areas of your home, go to or contact Assistant Chief Bob Herrlinger at, or 513.688.8400 ext. 1470.