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Walk to School Days Ahead!

A morning trip to school, focused on biking or walking, is coming to several Forest Hills elementary schools!  During this mornings, watch out for students who will enjoy safer paths created by Anderson Township in the past few years.

First up is Ayer Elementary School, scheduled for Friday, Sept. 15. Other elementary schools taking part this fall include Wilson on Friday, Sept. 22,  Maddux on Thursday, Sept. 28 and Sherwood on Thursday, Oct. 5. 

During these dates, expect an uptick of walkers/bicyclists between 8:45am-9:15am. Township staff members will be on hand to assist students and families, including members of the Anderson Township Fire and Rescue Department, personnel from Public Works and the Planning and Zoning Departments, and deputies from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office.

The township has made significant strides in creating safer walkways and paths, adding more than 26 miles of sidewalk overall added since the 1990s, and introducing dozens of other safety improvements near schools.

For key walk to school safety tips, for those on foot or behind the wheel, visit